Episode 41: Indigenous Artists


Thanksgiving? No creo. This week we're giving you a little antidote to some of the revisionist history that's popular at this time of year by bringing indigenous artists who are making music that emphasizes their roots, integrating indigenous languages, instrumentation, and cultural references. We hope that you'll hear evidence that the colonial project has failed - indigenous cultures today are alive despite it all, and this small sampling of dynamic and diverse bodies of work is a tiny taste of that lucha.

Featuring music by Dr. Sativo, M.C.H.e. & Tzutu Baktun Kan, Luzmila Carpio, Los Kjarkas, Los Nin, Mare Advertencia Lirika, A Tribe Called Red and Lido Pimienta. 

Wanna listen elsewhere? We’re also on Apple PodcastsStitcher and Google Play. As always, song details below.

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