¡Feliz Cumpleaños Radio Menea!

Radio Menea Podcast Image-2BDAY Amores! If you can believe it, it’s been two years since we started this proyecto de pasion because we love geeking out about Latinx music, creating the weirdest possible mezclas, and discussing Latinx cultura y life. In that time, we’ve put out 61 episodes, totaling over 35 hours of audio (!!!). We’ve been featured on a ton of amazing radio shows, podcasts and media outlets. And we’ve only deepened our friendship and our love of music by Latinx artists.

We’re so excited about how things have grown, that we have weekly episodes now, that our show has been listened to over 160,000 times by folks all over the world, that we’ve gotten to do live events and meet some of you en la calle! But we also have big dreams for this little show, so we’re using our 2nd birthday as a moment to ask you all to get involved in helping us grow.

Since we’re turning two, we’ve got two asks for you, and some regalitos in return.

  1. More than anything, we want more listeners. We think our show is pretty great (#humblebrag), and while we’re so excited that so many of you tune in, we think there is more audience out there that would love us if they knew about us. So that’s where YOU come in. Would you be willing to tell two people about our show? This could take many forms--a text or email to a friend, a snap, or a post on FB, instagram or twitter. Word of mouth does wonders for us.

And as a thank you for spreading the word, if you email us at radiomenea@gmail.com telling us how you shared about our show, we’ll send you these amazing illustrations for your lock screens featuring Latina artists that Vero designed and created.

2. One of the things that makes growing our show possible is money, for things like investing in merch for a Radio Menea store (it’s going to be so good y'all!) and covering our other costs. At this point we’ve put more way money into Radio Menea than we’ve made from our few ads and events, and we were inspired by a random sweet listener finding Vero’s personal venmo and sending us $15 to see if more of you might want to chip in to support us. So we created a venmo account. Paypal is also an option for those of you who prefer it--find us via our email, radiomenea@gmail.com!

If you send us $5 or more, we’ll mail you one of these sweet Radio Menea stickers, and send you all three of the lock screen illustrations that Vero designed and created. Just venmo us, and then send an email with your mailing address to radiomenea@gmail.com.

So if you think that with Radio Menea we’re doing something of value - if you’ve found us entertaining, if we’ve brought joy to your life, if we’ve become part of your routine, tell your friends about our show and venmo us! We’ll be using the cash to invest in merch that we think you’re gonna love, and the new listeners will help us grow. <3

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