Episode 235: Yo Lo Hago Con Mijente

This week, we’re bringing you with us on our trip to Tucson, Arizona, where we gathered with other members of Mijente - a Latinx political home for those who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice. We can’t remember a time where it didn’t feel appropriate to say it’s a politically rough moment, pero ajá. It’s rough times. And because we believe we need joy to fuel our fight, we asked our compas to tell us - and you! - about the songs that have been fueling them. We hope they fuel you too.

Featuring music by Hector Lavoe, Willie Colon, Bad Bunny, Young Miko, Zeta, Noel Nicola, Alejandra Guzman, Julio del Hoyo, Vladi, Elena Rose, Danny Ocean, Jerry Di, and Carin Leon.

Things we mentioned on the episode:

Wanna listen elsewhere? Find us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spotify and Google Play. As always, song details below.

Miriam Perez