Meneito 15: Spring Proyectos

For this week's meneito we're bringing you our usual eclectic mix--salsa, romantic pan-Latin pop and an experimental track that Vero loves (surprise!). We're also talking about the projects we've been working on to get us through to spring, and getting into the eternal latinx debate--is it "colita de rana" or "culito de rana"?

Featuring music by Hilario Duran, Bacilos and xango/suave.

Y una vez más: UN MILLÓN DE GRACIASSSSSS for all the birthday love!!! Y’all are truly lxs mejores. If you haven’t supported and wanna know more, check out our birthday campaign.

Wanna listen elsewhere? We’re also on Apple PodcastsStitcher and Google Play. As always, song details below.

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